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  • Zoom's end-to-end encryption isn't actually end-to-end at all. Good thing the PM isn't using it for Cabinet calls. Oh, for f...
  • You may be distracted by the pandemic but FYI: US Senate panel OK's backdoors-by-the-backdoor EARN IT Act
  • Alleged Vault 7 leaker trial finale: Want to know the CIA's password for its top-secret hacking tools? 123ABCdef
  • FYI: Yeah, the cops can force your finger onto a suspect's iPhone to see if it unlocks, says judge
  • It's May 2. Know what that means? Yep, it's the PR orgy that is World Password Day... again
  • Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia accused of hacking Jeff Bezos' phone with malware-laden WhatsApp message
  • After blowing $100m to snoop on Americans' phone call logs for four years, what did the NSA get? Just one lead
  • NSA may kill off mass phone spying program Snowden exposed, says Congressional staffer
  • Zoom strong-armed by US watchdog to beef up security after boasting of end-to-end encryption that didn't exist
  • NSA asks Congress to permanently reauthorize spying program that was so shambolic, the snoops had shut it down

LastPass to limit fans of free password manager to one device type only – computer or mobile – from next month

Published: 2021-02-16 23:27:45

Popularity: 159

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Cough up if you want to use it with your laptop and phone Password manager LastPass has changed its terms and conditions to limit the free version of its code work on a single device type only per user, seemingly in an effort to force free folks into paying for its service.…


Zoom strong-armed by US watchdog to beef up security after boasting of end-to-end encryption that didn't exist

Published: 2020-11-09 21:03:32

Popularity: 256

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Vid-chat giant promises never again to make 'misrepresentations about its privacy and security practices' Zoom has been forced to agree to a range of security improvements in a settlement with America's consumer watchdog, the Federal Trade Commission, as a result of earlier wrongly claiming it offered true 256-bit end-to-end encryption.…


Court hearing on election security is zoombombed on 9/11 anniversary with porn, swastikas, pics of WTC attacks

Published: 2020-09-14 21:03:05

Popularity: 126

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Atlanta to upgrade software license with more protection, clerk tells us A court hearing on election security in America failed in its own security efforts – when it was zoombombed with porn, swastikas and images of the World Trade Center attacks.…


Guilty: Russian miscreant who hacked LinkedIn, Dropbox, Formspring, stole 200-million-plus account records

Published: 2020-07-14 01:07:45

Popularity: 77

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Yevgeniy Nikulin faces up to 10 years in a US cooler The Russian hacker accused of raiding LinkedIn, Dropbox and Formspring, and obtaining data on 213 million user accounts, has been found guilty.…


You may be distracted by the pandemic but FYI: US Senate panel OK's backdoors-by-the-backdoor EARN IT Act

Published: 2020-07-06 20:42:17

Popularity: 2454

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Proposed Section 230 shake-up passes committee stage with amendments An amended version of America's controversial proposed EARN IT Act has been unanimously approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee – a key step in its journey to becoming law. This follows a series of changes and compromises that appear to address critics’ greatest concerns while introducing fresh problems.…


Zoom's end-to-end encryption isn't actually end-to-end at all. Good thing the PM isn't using it for Cabinet calls. Oh, for f...

Published: 2020-04-01 05:11:05

Popularity: 4537

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Super-crypto actually normal TLS, lawsuit launched over Facebook API usage, privacy policy rewritten UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson sparked security concerns on Tuesday when he shared a screenshot of “the first ever digital Cabinet” on his Twitter feed. It revealed the country’s most senior officials and ministers were using bog-standard Zoom to discuss critical issues facing Blighty.…


Alleged Vault 7 leaker trial finale: Want to know the CIA's password for its top-secret hacking tools? 123ABCdef

Published: 2020-03-05 00:47:25

Popularity: 1920

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Tales of terrible security, poor compartmentalization, and more, emerge from the Schulte hearings Analysis  The fate of the man accused of leaking top-secret CIA hacking tools – software that gave the American spy agency access to targets' phones and computer across the world – is now in the hands of a jury. And, friend, do they have their work cut out for them.…


After blowing $100m to snoop on Americans' phone call logs for four years, what did the NSA get? Just one lead

Published: 2020-02-26 22:29:11

Popularity: 319

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Section 215 more useless than we suspected yet they still want to keep it The controversial surveillance program that gave the NSA access to the phone call records of millions of Americans has cost US taxpayers $100m – and resulted in just one useful lead over four years.…


Who honestly has a crown prince in their threat model? UN report officially fingers Saudi royal as Bezos hacker

Published: 2020-01-22 23:13:01

Popularity: 74

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Rapporteurs call for investigation, technical security report leaks The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman, has been officially fingered as the man responsible for hacking Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’s iPhone X, causing a massive stir in diplomatic circles.…


Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia accused of hacking Jeff Bezos' phone with malware-laden WhatsApp message

Published: 2020-01-22 00:31:35

Popularity: 360

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Mid-East nation slams 'absurd' claim, UN report to emerge Updated  Candid pictures used to threaten Amazon boss Jeff Bezos were exposed not by his current paramour's brother, as some believe, but through a sophisticated hacking operation personally directed by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman, The Guardian suggests.…


Capital One 'hacker' hit with fresh charges: She burgled 30 other AWS-hosted orgs, Feds claim

Published: 2019-08-29 20:02:28

Popularity: 72

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Ex-Amazon techie accused of cyber-looting other storage buckets, mining crypto-coins on hacked servers The ex-Amazon engineer who allegedly stole 100 million Capital One credit applicants' personal details from AWS cloud buckets has been formally accused of swiping data from 30 other organizations.…


NSA asks Congress to permanently reauthorize spying program that was so shambolic, the snoops had shut it down

Published: 2019-08-16 20:09:44

Popularity: 243

Author: Kieren McCarthy

You never know, we might figure out how not to screw up in future Analysis  In the clearest possible sign that the US intelligence services live within their own political bubble, the director of national intelligence has asked Congress to reauthorize a spying program that the NSA itself decided to shut down after it repeatedly – and illegally – gathered the call records of millions of innocent Americans.…


It's May 2. Know what that means? Yep, it's the PR orgy that is World Password Day... again

Published: 2019-05-02 20:24:33

Popularity: 475

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Maybe it should be called World Password Shaming Day this year because, apparently, you suck If there's anything worse than having to constantly come up with and enter passwords, it's the idiotic way in which we all do it.…


Crypto-chaps on scam rap in a flap over Slack chat tap, want court case zapped: 'Attorney-client priv info' in messages

Published: 2019-05-01 21:16:46

Popularity: 56

Author: Kieren McCarthy

Duo also ask for two-year delay in celeb-studded ICO trial Two men accused of running a cryptocurrency scam have asked for the entire case to be thrown out – because prosecutors may have accidentally obtained and read Slack conversations the duo had with their lawyers.…


FYI: Yeah, the cops can force your finger onto a suspect's iPhone to see if it unlocks, says judge

Published: 2019-04-24 21:44:33

Popularity: 1311

Author: Kieren McCarthy

LLM Says: "Finger swipe"

Unsealed warrant in Massachusetts adds to growing privacy debate Analysis  A US judge gave the cops permission to force people's fingers onto seized iPhones to see who could unlock them, a newly unsealed search warrant has revealed.…


NSA may kill off mass phone spying program Snowden exposed, says Congressional staffer

Published: 2019-03-05 23:25:55

Popularity: 270

Author: Kieren McCarthy

But really it's just the start of the latest surveillance chess game Special report  The NSA may kill off a controversial mass surveillance program of Americans that was exposed by Edward Snowden, according to a Congressional staffer.…

